Chapter 13: There Must Be Traces

Translator: 9inetales

Sponsor(s): n/a

The reason for people’s gravitation towards unhealthy junk food wasn’t certain. However, it was a type of satisfaction that was understood but couldn’t be explained in words.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Xu Qing hurried to open WeChat and confirm the meeting location with his friend. Qin Hao initially refused the proposal since technology could accommodate their chat, so it took a lot of convincing to change his mind.

After saying his goodbyes to Jiang He, Xu Qing hitched a ride via bus to their agreed meeting point.

“Damn, where are you?”

“Yo, over here!” Qin Hao called out with a stuffed mouth.

He was sitting at the corner of a food stall while munching on some edamame[1] and waving his hand.

“Phew, I finally found you. It’s so dark I can hardly see anything,” Xu Qing smiled and walked over, “Long time no see Qin Hao...or should I say, Officer Qin.”

“Haha, come on over and take a seat. Let’s treat ourselves first.”

“Oh, can police drink alcohol?”

“Nonsense. I’m off-duty so why can’t I drink?” Qin Hao tugged at his clothes, “Can’t you recognize casual clothes?”

“Okay, order away.”

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Puffs of fragrant smoke suffused the cold night as various dishes were prepared: twenty beef and mutton skewers, ten leeks, four kidney slices, two roasted eggplants, and a box of beer.

The friends were similar in their dislike for fancy dishes. They mainly enjoyed barbecued food which could be continuously ordered until they were fully satisfied.

“How’s your job and what do you think of being a police officer? Is it as honorable a job as they say?”

“Honestly, it’s fart compared to what I originally imagined.”

Qin Hao began babbling about his belly full of grievances, “I was thinking of beating up some gangsters, heroically fighting off criminals, and saving the wounded like what we see on TV and the news— it’s all bullcrap! Every day, it’s just the same trivial things over and over. You can’t imagine how disappointing it is…”


"It’s always boyfriend and girlfriend quarrels, neighbor quarrels, or worst of all: old lady quarrels. I have to be the one standing between them, mediating again and again! Agh, I’d rather tackle a thief than deal with all this. I seriously question where people find the time to argue over small troubles.”

“But isn’t that good? Since there’s less crime, it could only mean that people are mostly living in peace and contentment,” Xu Qing inputted his perspective, “Do all policemen share your dream?”

Since young, his best friend had always wanted to be a policeman. Unfortunately, his height stagnated around 1.6 meters, barely scraping the required 1.7 needed to pass the physical examination.

At that time, the two of them were attending middle school. Xu Qing who stood at a proud height of 1.7 meters, had to act as a shoulder of support for his friend, assuring that they might make an exception for him in the future. In the meantime, he was encouraged to train and exercise.

Fortunately, the enrollment height restriction was removed and switched to vertical jump ability instead. Qin Hao’s constant training eventually paid off and he achieved his wish.

“Ah, I went through rigorous physical training and exercises only to act the role of a civil counselor. I wasn’t mentally prepared for repetitious quibble. I’m certain I’m not the only one thinking this,” Qin Hao took a sip of beer and spoke in a low voice, “I’m thinking...what if a mugger suddenly pops up with a knife? I’d slap my hands against the table and kick off into a backflip before fighting him. Cool isn’t it?”

Just— just please support me at, alright? Or I’ll cry! You won’t like it when I cry; I can get very ugly real fast.

“Seriously?! Stop dreaming.”

Knife; running around?

The conversation sparked a thought in Xu Qing’s mind.

Wasn’t that the same as Jiang He’s situation? I don’t think she’s related to anything though. She was wielding a sword, plus there were few witnesses since it was dark and rainy that day.

The two continued to engaged in idle chatter for a while. Soon, another serving of meat skewers was delivered to the table.

“Hey, I have something to ask? I don’t know if you can help me.” Xu Qing sat up and said, trying to steer the conversation.

“Oh? What’s up?” Qin Hao casually asked, his focus wholly occupied by the juicy skewers.

“Uhm, let’s say...what if a homeless man with amnesia wants an ID card to work, but doesn’t have any other identification? What should he do?”




Qin Hao raised his head to chug a half-bottle of beer. He then huffed a breath perfusing with alcohol, “It can’t be done.”


“Haha, do we look like movie writers? That sounds like a poorly written plot script.”

“I’m being serious here! Can it be done or not?!” Xu Qing spat.

“Oh, who’s doing it? A friend? A family member?” Qin Hao showed some interest in the situation.


“My third uncle’s neighbor’s nephew sent me to ask. He has a’s kinda complicated.”

“Haha, f*ck off,” Qin Hao scolded with a chuckle, “Unless he can provide proof such as finding his parents, getting a blood test, or whatever… Anyway, if there’s no proof, it’s impossible. If that person didn’t pop out from thin air, there should be some traces.”

Xu Qing nibbled a meat skewer in silence. He wore a contemplative expression while watching the street and the people walking by. After a while, he spoke again, “What if it’s really a homeless person with no family background?”

“Why do you care so much about that person? You are behaving suspiciously. As long as they’re not a fugitive, some simple checks should bring up some clues.”

“What kind of checks; by who?”

“Hmm...nah, you’re definitely hiding something.” Qin Hao squinted, feeling that something was off.

Although this guy is usually inquisitive, something just doesn’t feel right.

Boop! I caught your nose. Head on over to to get it back!

“Hiding my fart! How long have you been on the job? Look at you, you’re already suffering from mental retardation. Why would I harbor a fugitive and then come to you, a policeman, for advice?”

“ do have a point.”

The more Qin Hao thought, the more outrageous his suspicions seemed. Why would his best friend harbor a criminal?

He patted Xu Qing on the shoulder and downed a few mouthfuls of beer, “It’s best to ask first...see if he can remember anything, even if it’s just the simplest of memories. If he really has amnesia and isn’t pretending to be stupid, an investigation will be launched.”

“What would they check for?”

“Missing person databases, DNA information, recent kidnappings, criminal records, and so on.”

“What if nothing pops up?”

“That...wait. Eh, what are you talking about?” Qin Hao asked in puzzlement.

“I’m asking for answers. What else would two grown men be talking about? Falling in love?” Xu Qing said sarcastically, “Forget it. If I ask again, you might handcuff me on the spot.”

He sprawled his hands on the table and lifted his wrists, “Take me, officer. I haven’t been arrested before so please be gentle. You’ll have to check my pants in case I’m hiding anything, right?”

“F*ck off from here! I’m starting to think you’re a mentally ill patient that escaped Nanshan Second Hospital…” Qin Hao cringed and retreated a few steps, “Anyway, if the checks fail, we would look into foreign entries of mental patients— maybe we’d even find your name on the list.

“What if that also turns up nothing?”

“Then just let him go. What else can we do? If he didn’t commit a crime, it’s not our problem.”


Xu Qing wasn’t satisfied with just that, “What about his ID card? Shouldn’t it be solved by someone?”

“As I said, you need some information to do it.”

“What if—”

“No is no! We can’t do it.”


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Xu Qing massaged his temples, “If he has a clean criminal record, why can’t they just do it?”

“It doesn’t matter. His identity is still suspicious.”

Qin Hao hiccuped and poked gestures at the table with his finger, “Look, if I take out a knife right now and stab you to death...”

“Why stab me? Go stab some other dude,” Xu Qing scoffed.

“Bah, okay then. If I take a knife to the street and stab someone to death right now, run away, hide in Jiangcheng or some other place, pretend to be a random homeless person with amnesia, and act dumb...what could anybody do? Furthermore, what if I had no background and suddenly wanted to create a new identity? Would it be appropriate to provide me a ticket back into normal society?”

Seeing Xu Qing’s silence, Qin Hao nodded, “Get it now? As long as a person exists, there must be traces. Nobody can suddenly appear out of thin air. If there is, it just means you haven’t investigated enough.”

“The father of forensics, Edmund Rocca, once said: ‘Anyone who walks will leave a trace’. It’s the golden rule.”

“Pah, wake up. Do you think you’re an expert? Go mediate the old ladys’ quarrel, Mr. Policeman.”

“Damn you…”
